Ann: Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form, page-12

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    Proxy for SPA's upcoming 2021 AGM must be received by the company by 11.30am AEDT on Sunday, 28 November 2021.

    If you are not sure how to vote or want to make a change to voting instructions previously submitted, head on over to Computershare Investor Centre.

    Computershare make voting easy. Simply login (or register if not already registered) and once logged in you will see Upcoming Meetings links on the left-hand side of the screen for companies in your portfolio.

    For those who haven't been through the process:

    1. Click on the Vote Now button for the Spacetalk Ltd AGM. The system will take you to an Investor Vote page.

    2. On the Electronic Communications page, confirm your email address for future communications and click Continue.

    3. On the Voting Approach page you can select whether to vote all your holding or split your vote, and then click I Agree.

    4. On the Voting Preferences Selection page you can appoint a proxy (see Step 1) to vote in accordance with your instructions (see Step 2). A proxy, including the Chairman, may be appointed to act at the AGM on behalf of the securityholder and to vote in accordance with directions given (or if no directions have been given, and to the extent permitted by law, as the proxy sees fit). Once completed, click Continue.

    5. On the Voting Preferences Confirmation page confirm all details and click Back to make changes or click Submit.
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