IXC 0.00% 7.0¢ invex therapeutics ltd

Ann: Notice of Investor Call and Presentation, page-16

  1. 447 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 263
    Happy with this Ann. I didn't see South Korea coming but it seems a sensible choice for a number of reasons they have outlined.

    Frustrating that at 10.06 they announce a conference call taking place 24 minutes later. It's way too short notice. I dialed in late and heard Tom talking over the last couple of slides. He did then give an opportunity to ask questions via the operator but because the timeframe was so compressed I hadn't properly digested the Prezzo by that point. Why not do the call this afternoon and give people a chance to get their head around the details of the announcement?

    Further derisked and clearly the Ann of the design & commencement of the P3 trial is the next key checkpoint. The biggest plus about this morning's Ann for me is that they have reduced the development stage by circa 12 mths by partnering with Peptron.

    Still seems very much under the radar in the market. No volume. This company needs some / more publicity.
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