AKP 0.00% $6.20 audio pixels holdings limited

The role of a company secretary is to not only manage the...

  1. 881 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 586
    The role of a company secretary is to not only manage the operations of the board, but their number one job is to ensure the compliance of the company with all relevant regulatory requirements - both with ASIC and ASX. This is their most important, main function.

    When such a breach as this occurs, the ASX will demand 3 things.

    1. Immediately rectify the breach. The entity can either hold a SH meeting to seek approval for the transaction; or cancel the transaction.
    The board could have easily added a resolution to an AGM agenda for this and called the AGM. Instead they chose to cancel the transaction.

    2. Publish a notification of the breach.

    3. Advise ASX on what steps the board are taking to ensure such a breach does not occur again. We have only seen their notification to the market (not what they have submitted to the ASX) where they just give an assurance that it won't happen again - just trust us - while in the same notice they've told obvious lies. They say they've been transparent with shareholders in their reporting, but didn't bother to explain in their reporting why they didn't bother holding the EGM that they had advised they would have to do.

    The ASX is looking at this now, 7 months after the event.

    The company has spent 7 months, and are still continuing on to refuse to hold a shareholder meeting. They refuse to come face to face with shareholders to give explanations, be subjected to questions and scrutiny, and to be accountable.
    What are they so worried about ?

    Whether there is only bad news or good news, a public company MUST hold meetings with its shareholders.

    Regardless of what you think, reputable, well run and successful businesses do not operate like this.

    I hear the howls of "We Don't Care". LMAO it reminds me of something right now - MAGA !
    Maybe you guys could get some caps printed up.
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