NXL 1.36% $5.82 nuix limited

Ann: Nuix Revises FY21 Forecast Range, page-90

  1. 19,629 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4235
    Blame management, but will changes there help ?
    It seems to me the big issue is CUSTOMERS in a field where change has been rapid and Nuix is no longer unique .
    And customers in this field want the best product.
    If Nuix cannot offer the best, customers will go elsewhere - in the end even those staid old ‘safe’ government contracts .

    And if the technology is not the best who would buy the company?

    IMO hot shot developers producing irresistible updates will do more towards bringing the company into health than management changes .
    Last edited by sabine: 31/05/21
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