You mean this ASX release from TBA? this one: (The famous 89.8% Gold ASX release): posters warned others on these forums about using vertical blast hole grade control drilling with a vertical veined orebody and this is the end result, along with no PFS/DFS and poor grade control practices and probably not much supervision of mining operations. The few modeled grade pods they had were 2m in width and not very continuous in the one bench, and the gear they were using for mining (the excavator) was too big for such small scale selective mining. Big digger + small trucks and no proper PFS/DFS = dilution city -> Result: go straight to administration, do not pass go and do not collect $200
If any company can quote a gold recovery % without telling people what the head grade is then run a mile the other way, and TBA have achieved what looks like an epic world class level of dilution in mining ore, hauling it to a leased plant, coupled with short term thinking and several plant breakdowns during a record wet season.