Yep, I agree with most people here. I don't think Altilium will...

  1. 5,368 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4106
    Yep, I agree with most people here. I don't think Altilium will have a problem licensing a plant in New Caledonia for a combined QPM + SMT application, with the support of the New Caledonian government, especially if New Caledonia is going to greatly benefit financially from the entire production chain. And it would mean a very good revenue stream for QPM, with higher profits. They would have two plants operating. And why stop there, why not put a third plant in Papua New Guinea, because they already have ground tenements there. So I'm seeing 3 plants in the next 4 or 5 years, all of them operating as Carbon Negative, once the first one gets off the ground in Townsville, and proven. So, get the Townsville one operating perfectly and then away they go, the sky's the limit.

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