If you believe in the narrative, as I do, that management is aligned with shareholders and wants what is best for them, then you'd assume there is "method in their madness" by looking to OTC list now.
The company doesn't need to raise money, so if it does it will be on their own terms.
If you've done your research, or even just followed some of the more intelligent HC posters, you should know that BP is a great believer in share buybacks, so there'll be no dilution in PO3 unless it's to the right parties and at the right price.
The last "right price" was a 500% premium to market.
Nothing wrong with "trying to provide balance to the discussion", but perhaps that "balanve" should also contain some sound logic.
Personally, I see this step as the next significant step in a long journey.
An OTC followed by an OEM will have much more impact on the market cap than an OEM alone.
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