PTN 3.70% 5.6¢ patronus resources limited

Ann: Outstanding HG Results Pave Way to Resource Upgrade at Hobby, page-5

  1. 4,098 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 986

    It's great to see these high-grade intersections.

    They're doubly virtuous, of course, because it's not just their intrinsic value, it's their potential to gear-change the overall project economics.

    Not so long ago, we had the standout results of 21 metres at 6.6 g/t gold from 37 metres down-hole including 14 metres at 9.04 g/t from 38 metres in the main lode position from Cardinia Hill, which were the best results received from the project so far.

    Now here's Hobby chiming in with some outstanding results of its own - 5m at 27.7g/t! Yep, that'll do us!

    It's plain the boys are gaining an ever stronger grasp over the controls in the geology ...and when you look to how extensive the mineralisation is over the entire project, just makes one's mouth water at what the plumbing must be like downstairs.

    I wonder when we'll go looking west of Kyte, along the Eagle run. From the old workings, there's another large mineralised zone out there besides.

    Multimillion ounce resource? Ooh yeah!

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