RAP raptor resources limited

Ann: Pfizer raises scheme consideration to A$0.208 per share, page-24

Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 #
  1. 724 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    The covid detection market will be worth +$100B!!!

    Not sure how many of you remember the conference call back in March after the company first announced positive results of the covid detection app.

    That call featured Professor Catherine Bennett, Chair of Epidemiology at Deakin University. She went on to state how not only "The simplicity, ease of use and unlimited scalability of ResApp’s test will be welcomed by public health officials around the world.” - But that the global covid diagnostic market is predicted to reach in excess of $100B USD annually by 2027 (less than five years away).

    And some people are happy to sell the most disruptive tech and data set in this space for approx 1/1000th of that annual revenue... WHY?!!!!

    Let's not lose focus on what is happening here. One of the world's most powerful and wealthy companies wants to essentially steal this tech to reap the rewards themselves, and they have tried their best to package it as a good deal for the share holders in order to convince them this is our best option.

    Imagine what this could be worth when we stick to the No vote and accept only a partnership deal with them or another appropriate candidate!!!

    I'd imagine a decent chunk of that $100B would be having a bit of an impact on the future share price.

    Even if we captured 1/1000th of that potential market, we'd be making a year what they are trying to convince us the entire business is worth!

    And then ofc there is Dx and Sleepcheck to add to the mix.

    Let's go shareholders! Vote No!!!!!!

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Currently unlisted public company.

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