Definitely not spam. Some great info.
Well done mate. I love reading your posts and thank you for your hard work. You certainly have a unique skill in finding info and following certain leads that many wouldnt even notice, myself included.
One thing i did notice was the colour of the soil. I worked a few years in the Pilbara and i can tell you that it looks identical.
Looking at the pictures its definitley a mini FMG/BHP/RIO. Biggest positive is that NSL is still small enough that there is no internal bickering and politics being played so it can concentrate on growing.
Growth would be best kept under control for the benefit of the company long term.
Everyone invested in NSL should be thinking of the rewards they can reap in 2022. Not Dec 2017....
As someone mentioned above can you imagine what would happen to the SP if a buy back was on the cards in 12-18months time?
@Timtator how long do you currently plan on holding?