SRN 0.00% 0.3¢ surefire resources nl

Ann: Placement and Rights Issue to raise up to approx $4.62M, page-59

  1. 1,233 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 617
    Well said Rudster,
    I only comment if I hold a stock and sold out months ago. However have just bought back in. After years and years with Burton and TNG I wanted to see if things have changed : and to be fair I sincerely want all investors in mining stocks to do well.
    But this appears to be deja vu.
    I was ridiculed by some earlier this year when we were approaching 2c for what was perceived to be negative comments.
    It will be interesting to see where this ends up. P.B's performance package is almost half what it was so the bank account won't be deleted as quickly.
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