GMN 0.00% 0.2¢ gold mountain limited

Ann: Potential Lithium Bearing Pegmatites Uncovered in Brazil, page-167

  1. 3,735 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 304
    • Regarding rock samples being sent to a lab in Australia, I believe it is a regulatory guideline that all samples, including any core samples, be tested or re-tested in Australia by a licensed lab.
    • The last time I spoke to the company, they were hoping to fast-pace the exploration and therefore secure the 75% interest as soon as possible. Of course, this wouldn't be possible until the end of the AGM, which is fair enugh. Shareholders would need to pass the proposal first before they (the company) can write any cheques.
    • In terms of funding, all options are on the table I guess. They are hoping to explore lithium in Brazil and the PNG project simultaneously, which means plenty of news flow. Which hopefully will convert some of those options. (GMNOA, GMNOB)
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