PLS 1.29% $2.30 pilbara minerals limited

Hi blueskymine01. Yes, agreed. Selling some spare rocks while...

  1. 2,746 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 161
    Hi blueskymine01.

    Yes, agreed.
    Selling some spare rocks while others are shuttering and going into C&M is not a bad thing.
    5k is a minimal tonnage and so could be burley.
    PLS management would have there fingers on the pulse and are worthy of trust.
    They have done well by shareholders in the past.
    This may help lift the price for contracted supplies and so a 10%+ increase is a positive.
    All goes in the bank while others wish they could be in PLS situation.
    The market is watching PLS as the leader and price setter, imo.

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(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! $6.928B
Open High Low Value Volume
$2.37 $2.41 $2.26 $52.29M 22.58M

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
9 195193 $2.29

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$2.31 958840 25
View Market Depth
Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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