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Ann: Proof of Concept Contract signed with AMP, page-167

  1. 467 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 100
    Hi @olydarc,

    I have a few thoughts for you on why the SP may not have reacted the way you expected on the AMP announcement.

    When CR8 first floated, the SP was 4.1c
    Then a week later there is an investor presentation & during that presentation we find out Flamingo is talking with many companies.
    We also had knowledge at that time Flamingo had signed a deal with Nationwide & a POC with another (un-named) company.

    IMO the latest announcement is merely the finalisation of that contract & naming the company. The SP hit the previous high (10.5c) & then the selloff.

    At this point, there are shareholders sitting on profits anywhere from as low as 2c.
    This will cause those SH to be overexposed in CR8.

    Reducing exposure once the SP has been on a run is common practice with the increased volume of the announcement & as the SP slides backward, traders stop losses get hit & the SP continues to fall.

    I also feel the SP needs room to move, based on commercial launch sometime in the next 6 - 10 weeks.
    If you take a long-term view, you should see some nice SP appreciation over that time period & if the SP slides enough we may also see some holders that reduced their exposure start to buy again.

    Have a great night & I hope this helps
    Last edited by Cuse: 16/12/16
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