NVA 6.25% 34.0¢ nova minerals limited

Ann: Proposed issue of Securities - NVA, page-28

  1. 1,258 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 234
    That would be disappointing if that's the case, but as the loan was $160k an introduction fee of $570k isn't really feasible. Agree it would be good to know who. Anyone from environmental consultants, ore sorting, external modelers, consultant geos etc. taking on such a bullish position would make things exciting.
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Mkt cap ! $109.4M
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34.5¢ 34.5¢ 32.8¢ $73.41K 219.7K

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4 47811 32.0¢

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34.0¢ 6001 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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