TLX 1.84% $29.34 telix pharmaceuticals limited

Ann: ProstACT SELECT Study of TLX591 rADC Therapy - Positive rPFS, page-62

  1. 6,599 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 718
    BTW how does pro medicus measure up that you hold ? Twice the market cap of TLX , and yet you are pumping that stock to go from around $120 to $200

    Here. I will remind you

    Company announcement
    Pro Medicus Limited interim results
    Thursday 15 February 2024
     Revenue from ordinary activities $74.1m – up 30.3%
     Underlying profit before tax $48.9m – up 31.5%
     Net profit $36.3m – up 33.3%
     Cash and other financial assets $131.5m – up 8.3%
     Company remains debt-free
     Fully-franked interim dividend 18c per share

    Seriously , stick to your side you deadset flog . How would you like it if I came over there .... in fact I think I will

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Mkt cap ! $9.820B
Open High Low Value Volume
$29.00 $29.44 $28.88 $25.80M 882.5K

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No. Vol. Price($)
10 3766 $29.30

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Price($) Vol. No.
$29.35 7563 3
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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