RNU 1.64% 6.0¢ renascor resources limited

Ann: PSG Samples Advancing Through Customer Qualification, page-41

  1. TPK
    1,082 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 392
    For Christs sake, another down ramper who missed out turning up.
    Guns a blazing
    First post on RNU
    They come regularly now.
    Pathetic tactics, stupid actually.
    Another Dunning Kruger moron first class.
    What have we all been talking about for the weekend.
    How RNU is in Australia
    Its all about location, location, location.
    P… off w…nker
    And what a name, StarPlus
    More like FartPlus

    Last edited by TPK: 07/02/22
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