AUZ 7.69% 1.4¢ australian mines limited

Ann: Qld Gov provides Sconi Prescribed Project status, page-59

  1. 300 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 69

    I'll wade in and point out that the Planning Minister's last name pretty much sums it up CL.

    This is not the first sub-economic mining project that the QLD gov't has publicly backed and its probably not the last.  Adani coal has similar project status.

    A 1.4B investment, particularly one that has to rely heavily on ill-advised gov't funding, and based on falling Ni-Co prices, still looks very unlikely.

    The pollies are out there trying to convince regional voters that they are creating jobs in the midst of a faltering global economy heading towards their respective elections.

    The forecast surge in NI-Co demand, based upon the world's auto companies papering over their bad diesel engine investments with a spate of hurried EV promises, has not eventuated and new hydrogen technologies are emerging as a more sustainable transport alternative in the long run.

    The up-rampers here can keep dreaming and bragging about their strong trading histories while the share price has dropped 65% this past year.

    Reality check,


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