HMX 3.23% 3.2¢ hammer metals limited

The SP performance of the entire sector has been more than...

  1. 4,394 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1470
    The SP performance of the entire sector has been more than disappointing in recent months (e.g. also for CNB and other explorers). It is not an isolated HMX issue.

    I remain realistically optimistic.

    Results from the SMMO JV are in the pipeline. I expect drilling to commence at Yandal in the next 2 weeks and plans for further drilling at Mt. Isa are probably well advanced. I expect an update in these 3 contexts before mid-February.

    RIU conference is also mid-February. Even if Dan only has 10 minutes for a presentation, I'm sure he will a) use the time and b) be able to "drum up some interest" around the HMX story.

    CR will certainly come - the question is also what SP level. I'm keeping an eye on the SP - should there be another pronounced phase of weakness (I'm thinking of an SP of 3 cents or lower - which I would regard as an absolutely ridiculous development), then I would probably have to buy again.

    We should take a few steps back and look at the overall picture. For all the disappointment regarding the SP, the fact is that there are at least a handful of potential catalysts that could move the SP in a completely different direction.

    I'm not even thinking about a possible breakout of the copper price above the USD/lb 4.00 mark - currently around 3.92 (watch out 3.95 - minor resistance and 4.02/4.05 - major resistance - for a runt towards 4.20/4.30 - an PS. I think the price will never come back again - at least not in the next 10 years.

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Mkt cap ! $28.40M
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3.1¢ 3.2¢ 3.1¢ $6.192K 196.8K

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5 693837 3.0¢

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3.2¢ 84776 1
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Last trade - 14.35pm 12/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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