AKP audio pixels holdings limited

Absolutely correct! As an investor / holder its all about having...

  1. 2,635 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2713
    Absolutely correct! As an investor / holder its all about having a sense of proportion and being moved by well informed well reasoned assessments of what is happening, not one's own sense of impatience or indignation at being inconvenienced by what is achievable by others who are doing their job as well as they probably can. Fred is, I think, doing a very good job on behalf of AP's holders. Of course he has an abundance of skin in the game so I am sure he feels more impatient and inconvenienced than anybody on HC does!

    That said, it cannot be long now before we are advised where things stand at the very end of 'mid to late August'.
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