QPM 0.00% 5.7¢ qpm energy limited

Ann: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report, page-14

  1. 3,359 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 171
    It relies on the continued use of gas, So all the greenies that are against gas don't want new wells drilled, they don't want continued over well head works, extending the lives of existing wells.

    They want all drilling to stop and all wells to be capped. The government and world governments want industry to move away from fossil fuels and as such are handing out large sums of money to industries demonstrating this capability.

    It ticks boxes and wins votes to say you're funding the green revolution. As a result I would have thought this would also be selling the green dream, but if your going to push for more gas, your actually moving in the wrong direction for cheap funding.
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