If you think there's a market for Telehealth then there's a market for ResApp (assuming a competitor doesn't come along and beat us). Heck even if Telehealth dies off (it won't but just humour me for a second) then there's still a market for ResApp (both on the consumer side, more so for cough, but even SleepCheck can do ok once it gets to the US; in addition to clinics/triage, and as we've recently found out possibly even clinical trials/data collection). Now if you're a bit of a futurist/predicting future trends there's even a market in automation much later down the line (though I wouldn't invest in the company at this point in time for something like that). Really the only time there wouldn't be a market for ResApp is if something better comes along or these diseases become a thing of the past.
Btw it makes perfect sense to voluntarily register for GST if you're going to have a lot of GST expenditures (as that's money you couldn't have otherwise have gotten back).
If you think there's a market for Telehealth then...
Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 #