BRK 2.13% 48.0¢ brookside energy limited

Ann: Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B - December 2021, page-146

  1. 1,051 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 302
    Never said that... BOD are experienced... and I invested my cash, that is a statement of confidence in itself.

    BUT I cannot just accept everything runs to plan... life and business just doesn’t work that way the majority of the time. I am sure an experienced BOD will not assume all of the options will get converted. They will be making provision (whatever that may be?) to insure sufficient working capital and funding for capex moving forward.... I wouldn’t expect anything less.

    okay.. let’s make people happy...

    All of the options will get converted 100%
    Covid disappears...
    Putin voices love and peace towards Ukraine...
    China acknowledge aggressive behaviour and vows to stop bullying...
    Oil is identified as environmentally friendly..
    Price of oil trebles..

    Happy Days everyone!

    Good Luck All

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Mkt cap ! $45.82M
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47.5¢ 48.0¢ 47.5¢ $23.16K 48.70K

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1 1400 47.5¢

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48.0¢ 65162 4
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