AUL austar gold limited

Ann: Quarterly Activities Report, page-11

  1. 4,289 Posts.
    Have to agree not much to go on in that quarterly. Norton obviously slowly progressing, so that's good. No real news on coal.

    The cash position is also of interest. Mantle appear to be at a crossroad where we either face massive dilution to progress or need to farm out.

    Alternatively we need big news from Norton to raise at a much higher price, or to bring in partners imo.

    From memory Mantle had less than 150mill shares on issue when I bought in. Now at 500mill fully diluted. At today's prices we'd need to double that to make decent progress on our gold projects alone.

    Hoping for more positive news soon. 1bill+ shares is not a good look.

    B Rubes
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