CTL 0.00% 0.9¢ cleantech lithium plc

Ann: Quarterly Activities Report, page-29

  1. 2,594 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 599
    At the end of the March 2017 quarter, CTL had $721,000 in the bank plus $618,000 gold at the mint. Total - $1,339,000
    At the end of the June 2017 quarter CTL had $528,000 in the bank plus $744,000 gold at the mint. Total - 1,272,000
    So for the June 2017 the cash plus gold on hand position went backwards by $67,000. No debt repaid.
    Not an excellent result.
    It isn't correct to count paying your creditors as 'free cash flow'. Paying creditors is what you have to do in the course of business to stay in business.
    Guidance for gold production in the September 2017 quarter is "4000 to 4200 oz". A fall of approx 15 - 20% in production compared to the June quarter.
    Who is doing the manipulating. Goldman Sachs? JP Morgan? You think they'd be bothering about a company too small to even be in the All Ords Index? Pfffft.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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