SFX 0.00% 13.5¢ sheffield resources limited

agree entirely here with comments however I think your $300k...

  1. 210 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 151
    agree entirely here with comments however I think your $300k short on the bare costs. 700k admin plus staff. So total of 1 million IMO.
    staff will all be on long term employment contracts so your not just ripping these up without a cost.
    The main issue here is it’s clearly not economical so doesn’t matter what the valuation is $10m, $20 or $200m if the bankers don’t like the BFS which they clearly don’t then it’s not
    going anywhere.
    This boat has sailed.
    jump ship or risk being caught as she sinks.

    PS the 5 months run way will still need a CR Done ASAP to keep the mighty Kevin 007 asx compliance king off your doors.
    They are all over this stuff like a bad rash.

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