TBA 0.00% 2.6¢ tombola gold ltd

The world may have changed forever but when you have a robust...

  1. 1,285 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2837
    The world may have changed forever but when you have a robust strategic initiative in place, just stick with it!

    ‘Ausmex is focused on bringing its lead asset, the Mt Freda Gold Project in Queensland, into production in 2020 and also on advancing its Burra IOCG Project.'

    ‘Given the focus on the two core projects, the Company is seeking Joint Venture and/or Farm-in partners to work with Ausmex to develop the highly prospective gold assets in South Australia (Refer ASX release 26th March 2020).’
    Last edited by Mallyrock: 30/04/20
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Currently unlisted public company.

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