SVG 0.00% 2.0¢ savannah goldfields limited

A good report. But LNY definitely need a PR company to help...

  1. 1,224 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 417
    A good report. But LNY definitely need a PR company to help write the announcements.
    The announcement has confirmed what the last Nov AGM discussions outlined as the way forward.
    If that is more of the same I am happy

    The increase in JORC justifies my ongoing collecting of shares.

    On my calculations (DYOR) LNY now have 3,720,065,933 shares and a proven JORC for Agate Creek gold in excess of AUD1.4 billion plus.
    If you do the maths this equates to a share value of around 37 cents before production costs.

    Share market just needs to realise this calculation. A good PR company is needed for this role.

    Share price currently .004 cents.
    IMO without considering asset value of our promising NZ gold lease and confirmed Coking deposits it leaves lots and lots of upside!

    For example if we give 50% away to Maroon or Georgetown or Chillegoe to look after the processing that leaves each share valued at 18 cents.
    IMO our own processing plant will reduce that cost considerably.

    Very very happy with that result!
    Last edited by Rhazzle: 01/05/20
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