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Originally posted by ccdavid
Most of all, The ore processed was from Remnants stopes at old Savannah. I don't think any of the
ores mined at North Savannah was processed in the December Quarter.
Only 13,160T ore was mined at North Savannah During the Quarter. As below.
"The first Savannah North stope consisting of 13,160t @ 1.22% Ni, 0.51% Cu and 0.09% Co was
mined during the quarter. The footwall of the stope showed minimal overbreak and the hanging wall
performed well, with some overbreak near the brow of the stope. Overall dilution of the stope was
7.0%, which was an extremely positive result and compared favourably to reserve design
assumptions of 22.5%."
I would think 60% of Ores will be mined from North Savannah from now on. This means higher grade and
less dilution. It will only get better from here. DYOR
this is going to get way better,
Victor has proven himself a way better CEO than Harold can ever be.
how much should I buy and when?