HCT 0.00% 2.4¢ holista colltech limited

The question is why does Mr A.Ramage want more of these terrible...

  1. 7,358 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 960
    The question is why does Mr A.Ramage want more of these terrible shares?

    Is he paying off his Mate the Dr and helping him offload to help pay his legal bills?

    There's still a milly going to wages, admin and marketing per quarter so someones making very good coin still..

    Still a massive loss making company that has never EVER had a profit, i wonder why with that type of money going out the back door every 3 months...

    The Dr can lie and mislead to share holders which is a crminal offense and he gets a little tick off the courts and the investors who he lied too have to carry the can....AUSTRALIAN ASX justice for you = A JOKE
    Last edited by mattyedw: 09/08/24
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