SPT 0.00% 7.5¢ splitit payments ltd

I feel the disappointment with you as well....I also feel that...

  1. 482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    I feel the disappointment with you as well....
    I also feel that they probably drove that price of the shares..... and then halted trading.... for days
    then use the last day of trading price to use as a reference....
    anther slap in the face is ... they would not offer any discounted shares to us the company share holders ...
    They will give then to the big brokers to sell big clients... to promote the company that way.....
    imo there decisions made by management shows .. that us their aregence.....and this is all about them and not the investors
    dont forget the share placement was for $10 mil

    and ended now at $16 mil
    that’s a cash grab... for we all know they probably pushed the share price
    to 0.52 themselves... check out the high and lows for the days previous the halt.. I might think they tried to get more than the .052 but lots sold.out...
    i particular don’t think much of management.. in particular Brad as he might be a puppet. Were someone else might be pulling the strings

    wish you well on this one... that’s why for that reason I sold out the other day....

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Currently unlisted public company.

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