You could go back to their previous quarterly and see for yourself...
@getbig made a point on excessive marketing and yet look above the amount spent on Research and development.... I mean, it is still an industry in its infancy.. shouldn't more money be put into developing/improving the product? Marketing is important but I believe this management is using marketing for different reasons...
Creso pursues US OTC listing:The decision to advance the dual listing initiative follows growing interest from North American
following the announcement of the proposed acquisition of Halucenex, as well as the
Company’s planned expansion into the US cannabis market (subject to federal legalisation).
The dual listing will allow the Company to access a deeper capital market, providing North American
investors with accessibility and liquidity to invest in an established cannabis and psychedelics
medicines business.
The above highlighted in orange paints a pattern for me.... the announcement of proposed acquisition of Halucenex... welll what does this do? it creates Hype... which generated interest from North American investors...(mind you this deal is not finalised yet but some here are already saying we are the first cannabis/psycedelic company, bla bla bla).... which is followed by placement/capital raising...
to allow the company to access a deeper capital market... (go back to my Adam Blumenthal posts, he is an expert I give him that)
ON A SIDE NOTE....Can anyone explain why the disposal of businesses incurred a cost? shouldnt it be positive?