DM1 0.00% 2.2¢ desert metals limited

Ann: Rare Earth System Emerging at Innouendy, page-9

  1. 1,476 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 826
    Great find Chiller.

    The S t o c k h e a d article confirms that an XRF machine picked up Rare Earths in the drill cuttings across the 20km strike. Now for the labs to confirm the REE Grades and Recoveries.
    "Initial XRF and visual observations - while no replacement for laboratory analysis - are encouraging and suggest that an extensive, near surface REE system in clay is present."

    Step out drilling traverses across 20km of strike length have intersected both thick clays and large volumes of mafic and ultramafic rock though lab analysis will be required to determine whether these units host significant mineralisation."


    Today's announcement on The F o o l . com .au below.


    Desert Metals

    The Desert Metals share price is surging 25% today. This follows anupdateon drilling at the company’s Innouendy Rare Earth project in Western Australia. Drilling is complete at more than 265 aircore holes covering 10,909 metres and 13 reverse circulation drill holes covering 1,836 metres.

    Preliminary XRF and visual observations show there could be an “extensive, near surface, rare earth system”,

    the company highlighted. Desert Metals noted the clays hosting the mineralisation are near the surface and have intersected up to 80m thickness.

    The samples are now at the lab for further analysis.

    Also cannot wait to see those drill rigs hit "The Dome" intrusive structure at Dingo Pass and the 12,000Siemens Nickel Copper PGE conductors in the next few weeks once the DHEM survey is completed.



    Last edited by Goldhunter122: 30/08/22
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