Having been assured, then reassured, everything was fine and the team are doing a great job waiting for whatever reason to fade away so that we could achieve FID, I sit here, destroyed at what is happening to LNGltd.
This forum has been a indicator of what Hotcopper has become. Sane, knowledgeable voices have long since departed. Being wise now seems to be considered as who has been here the longest. I have been in this stock for too long. Buying at highs, and being reassured its ok by management at its lows. I am truly - you know what - from this decision.
@Madmin how do I delete my hotcopper account. Because whichever way this goes I have had enough. I have to suffer a life changing blow I would rather do it without having tosee the latest expert who simultaneously uses the phrase 'lol' in their sentence.
Give me a break from the cesspool.