RMX 0.00% 0.9¢ red mountain mining limited

Ann: Red Mountain signs term sheet for Mokabe-Kasiri Project, page-177

  1. 7,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4616
    Depends if you can get the Artisan Mines all wrapped into one mining licence, who owns the Artisan mines? Locals? Rebels? A lot of unknown here.
    And you sure change your tune depending on how the share price is traveling at any given time, and the continual referencing to BorgGeoscience is getting boring. They are contractors paid to do a job, unless you can verify that he is a large share holder then you are basically using a name.
    I could refer you back to posts suggesting that Mr Borg has a preference to hard rock over brine, I like share holders that have passion and enthusiasm but sometimes it needs to be harnessed, just saying.
    The next 6 or so weeks will be the telling factors for the Cobalt farm in.


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