RVR is in a continuous hunt for increased resources as are most miners but is largely irrelevant to our current issue which is revenue .
This current quarter is likely to be similar if not better than the last quarter but beyond that is a bit of a mystery envelope that has yet to be opened.
Hillgrove finishes this quarter it seems for a yet unknown period , Liontown has a yet unknown start date so its down to Far West and at some stage it will pass its best. Hopefully Liontown is on stream by then.
That is the reality of the current situation , how it plays is simply unknown at this point and is reflected in the shareprice. Its a bit of an asset rich cash poor situation , something many who own property will be familiar with..
The good news is we have a profitably producing mine with two others on the way but it could get a bit tight in the meantime.
Cheers Whisky