EGR 2.15% 9.5¢ ecograf limited

I am suspicious too that a capital raising is about to happen...

  1. 21 Posts.
    I am suspicious too that a capital raising is about to happen and that is why the share price suddenly tanked from 37.5 cents. The mining presentation seems to point to it as everything going forward seems to be happening from Sept/Oct and will need capital and funds at end July were less than $4 million.
    I won't be happy if capital raising announced next week or so as I bought in at 34.5 cents.
    Hopefully they can announce a new off take agreement and get the share price up before a capital raising.
    Any thoughts?
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Mkt cap ! $43.14M
Open High Low Value Volume
9.3¢ 9.5¢ 9.3¢ $13.91K 147.0K

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No. Vol. Price($)
4 79711 9.0¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
9.5¢ 23797 2
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Last trade - 15.57pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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