VAU vault minerals limited

Ann: Resource and Reserve growth at Darlot Gold Mine, page-24

  1. 11,807 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 895
    Excellent reply and Id have to agree 100%.
    Obviously the SAR sale has spooked some holders into selling but that really needs to be put into perspective. Afterall SAR did sell their mine to RED but chose to take some payment in scrip.
    And profited handsomely, but have since bought in big at Super Pit so rather reduce their debt. That sale made sense and the fact it was bought up swiftly in a book build bodes well for RED moving forward. The sale price of 30c should really put major support right there so just wondering why we are drifting lower as POG rises. But as you say, machinations of the market....its a mystery.

    Good discussion coming out in the threads now.
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