AXE 3.75% 38.5¢ archer materials limited

Ann: Resource Drilling Recommences at Campoona Gr, page-2

  1. 12,893 Posts.
    re: Ann: Resource Drilling Recommences at Cam... With so much more strike to test at Campoona this project is looking likely to become much larger than Focus Metals Lac Knife project in Canada. The 6-10m tonne exploration target is based only on the strike tested so far whereas I believe there is 20km plus of strike at Campoona.

    I expect the first resource to be out later this year provided the weather is kind enough to allow AXE to complete their drilling program.

    Great progress by Archer. The fact they are going straight to a measured resource shows that they are very focused about moving quickly to develop a project at Campoona so they can take advantage of the increasing demand for graphite.
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