RMS 0.43% $2.32 ramelius resources limited

Ann: Resources and Reserves Statement 2019, page-5

  1. 44,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 512
    Was thinking about their terminology ..."baseline reserves" ....for Tampia and Marda on top of what they said earlier ...".realistic resource modelling and deliverable reserve estimates. "
    They are making a virtue out of being cautious and making sure people notice that .
    And credit to them for careful wording at least although some of their reserves are modelled on $1650 GP which does seem a bit in need of updating as , (was it ?) Rosencrantz mentioned some time back .
    Baseline reserves give the picture of a starting rather than ending point which is good phsycology but is also just realistic and could as easily been applied to EM underground also .
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