PTX 4.00% 4.8¢ prescient therapeutics limited

Ann: Response to ASX Query, page-26

  1. 4,474 Posts.
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    From the SPP booklet:

    "Note - dates and times in this Offer Booklet are indicative only and subject to change.
    PTX reserves the right, subject to the Corporations Act, ASX Listing Rules and other applicable laws, to
    vary any or all of the dates and times of the SPP without prior notice, including extending the SPP or to
    withdraw the SPP without prior notice. Any extension of the Closing Date will have a consequential
    effect on the issue date of Shares under the SPP.
    The commencement of quotation of Shares under the SPP is subject to confirmation from ASX.
    All times are Melbourne time." page 6

    " if subscriptions are received for $6.5 million worth of Shares under
    the SPP, the Underwriter will not have any obligation to subscribe for Shares. If there is sufficient
    demand, the Company will also consider a potential follow-on placement." page 5

    "If Applications are scaled back, the share allocation of Eligible
    Shareholders participating in the SPP will be reduced on a pro
    rata basis based on the size of the existing security holding of
    the Eligible Shareholder as at the Record Date". page 8

    "4.8 Amount to be raised and scale back
    To the extent permitted by the Listing Rules, the Company (in its absolute discretion)
    reserves the right to increase the size of the SPP.
    If Applications are scaled back, the share allocation of Eligible Shareholders participating
    in the SPP will be reduced on a pro rata basis based on the size of the existing security
    holding of the Eligible Shareholder as at the Record Date.
    If there is a scale back, you may not receive all the Shares for which you have applied. If a
    scale back produces a fractional number when applied to your Parcel, the number of
    Shares you will be allotted will be rounded down.
    If there is a scale back, the Company will refund to you by direct credit deposit to your
    nominated bank account, the difference between your Application money and the total
    Issue Price for the Shares allotted to you (provided that you will not receive a refund for an
    amount which is less than the Issue Price of one Share). If Applications are scaled back,
    any excess Application monies will be refunded without interest.
    4.9 Applications may be refused in full or part
    The Company reserves the right to reject all or any part of an Application received under
    the SPP in its absolute discretion. If an Application is rejected, any Application monies will
    be refunded without interest." page 13

    "Variation and termination
    4.20.1 The Company reserves the right at any time to:
    (a) amend or vary these Terms and Conditions;
    (b) waive strict compliance with any provision of these Terms and Conditions;
    (c) withdraw the Offer or suspend or terminate the SPP;
    (d) vary the timetable for the SPP, including the Closing Date; and
    (e) not accept an application, not issue Shares or issue Shares to a value less
    than that applied for under the SPP by an Eligible Shareholder (including a
    Custodian or nominee applying on behalf of its Eligible Beneficiaries).
    4.20.2 In the event that the SPP is withdrawn or terminated, all application monies will
    be refunded. No interest will be paid on any money returned to you." page 18

    It is interesting to review the share price and volume pre and post SPP/CR. Yes our shares were diluted. But, we have a very diverse pipeline, we have $Aud 20 million in the bank and the Market cap is only circa $Aud 44 million. Our IP and pipeline is therefore only valued at $Aud 24 million, which is now $AUD 5 million higher than it was the mid July. So the market now values our IP and pipeline at 20% more now.

    We have funds to get trials done. That's where IMO, we need to focus. IMO we need PTX 200 Breast cancer and Ovarian cancer trials up and running, to support the PTX 200 AML and PTX 100 basket trial. Yes OminCar is new and sexy, but we shouldn't let the other products fall by the way.

    As far as CRs go, this one, so far, has been one of the more painless ones that I have seen.

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Mkt cap ! $38.65M
Open High Low Value Volume
4.8¢ 4.9¢ 4.7¢ $3.506K 73.01K

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No. Vol. Price($)
2 30000 4.6¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
4.8¢ 8967 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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