CGB 0.00% 2.1¢ cann global limited

UPDATE POST - to help the forum. To HC members, Cann Global held...

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    UPDATE POST - to help the forum.

    To HC members,

    Cann Global held its EGM yesterday and all resolutions were passed. The room was well attended and following the conclusion of the meeting formalities, Sholom and Pnina stayed for a couple of hours following the meeting to meet with whoever wished to meet and respond personally to shareholder questions in small group settings, and I also dealt personally with individual shareholder inquiries for those who wished to speak with me.

    The management team fielded good questions about mining, issue and allocation of the capital raising shares, the new Directors, the advanced cannabis research being done for the company in Israel, hemp farming, and company plans to increase revenue under the new banner.

    The company was happy to catch up with shareholders and the discussion was frank and open with shareholders keen to see the company trading again on the market.

    We now look forward to completing the final paperwork from the EGM for the ASX and preparing the company to relist. Indicative Dates are found on Page 4 of the recent Replacement Prospectus.

    Last edited by Neil1959: 03/07/19
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Currently unlisted public company.

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