WTM 0.00% 15.0¢ waratah minerals limited

Ann: Results of General Meeting, page-7

  1. 7,080 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    For me the positives are as follows, and I speak as one who has invested here since Cherie Leeden led the way and was very pro graphite, there is also no point in selling now due to losses so I have to stick it out:

    1) We do have enough cash now to do some significant investigation in both NT and Vic sites.

    2) Vic looks like a no-brainer there is resource there. Sampling and historical mining shows that.

    3) Local mines surround Vic prospect to confirm 2 above.

    4) The cash we have now should preclude any necessity to do either CRs or consolidation.

    I don’t have a fifth and I’m stretching 2 to 4 above. But that is all I see. We’re effectively starting from scratch again.

    I would like NT to prove highly prospective but that looks significantly downstream.

    Im trying to be forward thinking but this team has proved itself inept to a point of incompetence.

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Mkt cap ! $30.35M
Open High Low Value Volume
15.0¢ 15.0¢ 15.0¢ $2.802K 18.68K

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No. Vol. Price($)
2 86660 15.0¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
16.0¢ 6760 1
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Last trade - 15.57pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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