SVY 0.00% 2.3¢ stavely minerals limited

Ann: RIU Sydney Resources Round-up Presentation, page-48

  1. 1,941 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 627
    I am still coming out in the vicinity of 150 kt of contained Cu eq. Highly simplistic guesstimate:

    Strike = 1,000m (note: the long section is shown in N-S orientation whereas the Cayley Lode has a NW-SE orientation)
    Average vertical extent = 150m (a rough guess, as we know that there generally isn't much there in the top 50m apart from some low grade chalcocite)
    Average true width x grade = 25% Cu eq. m (note: the long section does not do justice to some of the really big hits, eg. hole 50 which came in at over 200% Cu eq. m based on downhole width)
    Spec. gravity = 4 (assuming chalcopyrite is the dominant ore type)

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