TLG 4.85% 54.0¢ talga group ltd

Ann: Robust DFS Paves Way For Talga Battery Anode Project, page-354

  1. 918 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 927
    Interesting connection Sithas.

    We clearly have a Northvolt/BMW/VW/Volvo situation to supply green batteries.

    We also have Envision AESC/Nissan/Renault.

    It would make sense for others auto companies to partner with similar green battery suppliers i.e. Freyr/Stellantis and all their subsidiary brands in the EU and North America.

    Talga weren't just included in the MoU...they were were mentioned all over their recent market presentation ahead of the listing. Talga are clearly an integral part of their plans.

    Last edited by cat dog: 08/07/21
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