CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

scanspeak, really that para says it all when it comes to Cudeco...

  1. 30,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 174
    scanspeak, really that para says it all when it comes to Cudeco and arithmetic. Unbelievable that an aspiring ASX200 company cannot add 87 and 4, for starters.

    "A dump truck load at Rocklands is typically ~87 tonnes of ore...if one were to load a truck with nothing but waste"

    then you would have 87 tonnes in it.

    "and then add a single 4 tonne masse (sic) of chalcocite,"

    You would have 91 tonnes.

    " the entire 87 tonne load" - Pardon? 87 + 4 = 91. First fail.

    "would average ~3.8% Cu."

    would actually average 3.5% but hey, what's an 8.6% error between JORCs.

    Hope they've designed the processing plant to a better tolerance than 8.6% ....

    Chalcocite is
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