ROG 7.69% 0.6¢ red sky energy limited.

Ann: ROG identifies additional net pay of 37 metres at Killanoola, page-555

  1. 13,440 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2532
    Take this as gossip as it might be, but I read an interesting comment on social media yesterday that the US Gas pipeline crisis and bowser shortages was a manufactured situation to DISGUISE the impact that monetary inflation has had on the prices of everything.

    The Gas prices have risen from about USD 1.80 a gallon a year ago to about USD 3.08 National Average yesterday.

    Monetary inflation is the cause.

    The deflection is now to say that it is from supply side disruption.

    My take - Monetary Inflation is real and unstoppable. So is the upward movement of the oil price.

    How it feels mining during an oil crisis
    False claims about being out of gas
    Price gouging

    ROG Timing. Perfect. Happy Days.
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