KLL 0.00% $7.28 kalium lakes limited

Ann: S&P DJI Announces March 2021 Quarterly Rebalance, page-6

  1. 7,424 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1663
    If you look below, last year we were added to the all ords on the 12/6/2020 the share price didn’t flinch I can’t see this having any affect at all on the price.

    update usually drop the 15th so I hope that’s the case looking forward to some pics

    E07C0081-E300-4127-A8D2-6CF6BBFA0D59.jpeg B39D9065-40EB-4438-9892-A87E564A8CCC.jpeg C04BDA74-EB6C-4CE3-BB59-7CC957A8773A.jpeg
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