SLR 0.32% $1.57 silver lake resources limited

Ann: Scheme Booklet registered with ASIC, page-99

  1. 171 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Why do you worry about me? Do you know me? Is something that I'm doing out of character? Am I your mate? What's my name? How old am I? I'm worried about you dogon, because for some reason you're worrying about people that you know nothing about, or are you're feigning consideration to be a social justice warrior? or is it to make yourself feel better about not understanding a word that I've said? are you doing this, so that you can be a part of the "it" group? Lovely upvotes though thanks for your consideration, maybe you should use some of that consideration to think about your own life .

    Was it weird to you that I respond the way that I do? When someone says something like "you know nothing about equity market (or better known as the stock market)", and I've got literal facts refuting it? Unfortunately, my quick version was not enough to convey said facts, ergo forcing me to write a bigger and ELI5 version, is this concerning to you? It's concerning to me, that I have to write so many ELI5 explanations and still so many people seem to not understand, to the point that I'm constantly repeating myself. Instead of deconstructing my argument and using it as a basis to refute my points people would rather just throw mud, I.e "you clearly don't know anything about equity markets", basically how so? how does one come to this conclusion, I have many facts deconstructing your argument and refuting your facts, it's too bad that you don't give me the same courtesy.

    Evidently, I'm being called an idiot by idiots, and I have the facts to prove it. The real problem here is people clearly are unable to comprehend the things that I've written and or are unable to read in-between the lines. The reason I don't want to post anymore is mainly because I'm sick of repeating my same points to people that clearly do not understand. I'm not repeating myself because, as Joe has put it "And repeating those thoughts over and over and over again doesn't make them any less wrong." I'm not doing this to hammer home that I'm correct, no I'm repeating them, so that you might finally understand what I'm trying to say, because despite me saying it in 5 different ways with 5 different explanations, you still evidently do not understand. I'm saying that I don't want to post anymore because I'm sick of ELI5ing and you not understanding, it's evidently a waste of my time, even if I explain it another how many times, will you understand or just throw out more random sh*t like "I'm worried about you" like bro do you f***ing know me? like wtf is wrong with you...

    How much time a day do you spend worrying about me? Are you worried about me? What kind of person asks this question? Honestly bro have a look inside yourself and see what kind of person you are, cause if you ask me, you're seriously messed up, like the fact that you'll even ask me this question, at all is all kinds of f***ed up. It's such a shallow surface level thing to say while disguised as some deep spiritual message, what kind of person says things like this? A fake social justice warrior? I'm worried for you with your fake niceties, do you wear a mask everywhere you go, even online? To impress who? Who are you trying to win over here?

    Yes, you people trigger me, you're literally all kinds of wrong and think you're all kinds of right, do I get too annoyed over this? Yeah for sure, you know how I vent? I verbally destroy you and your arguments, stop making me verbally destroy you, I don't want to tear into you and your life and make you feel like sh*t, don't make me do it. I'll f***ing do it, stop forcing me to do it. I don't want to be wasting my time deconstructing your life and destroying you verbally, you might not know it but the things you say, well they f***ing tell me a lot about you, just like the things I say should tell you a lot about me, if you were capable of that level of thinking. Which evidently most of you are not...
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