BRN 0.00% 33.0¢ brainchip holdings ltd

Ann: Second Amendment to Financial Instrument, page-98

  1. 91 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 272
    Thanks Stan, the effort FF puts into this forum is incredible and I always look forward to reading his posts. The conclusion arrived at was that Hailo produces an accelerator, not a processor. Sounds like they produce a processor too though:

    The processor is a “fundamental element that does data-crunching for deep learning at the edge, and that is utilized to process data such as video, to perform real-time video analytics that can be used in the context of cars or driving assistance systems, or monitoring the quality of products on a production line, to secure perimeters for access control, but the commonality is that all these applications need a strong engine that can go over the data and get the insights. We provide the infrastructure for this, the processor, which is the heart of the system,” said Danon.

    “Our processor does all these tasks… with very low power consumption,” he added.

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